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Sunday 5 March 2017


I find this article of Robert Kiyosaki inspiring being a man I have been following on financial and business intelligence. Feel free to read and share.

How President Trump’s Congressional Speech Impacts Our Future…

President Trump gave his first speech to Congress recently. Depending on someone’s point of view, they might have heard a lot of different things. He talked about jobs, military spending, the sacrifices made by veterans and their families…

All these are important topics. But what I heard loud and clear — though it was unspoken — was a subtle, but unmistakable, message about our WEALTH. And that message is this:

It’s up to EACH of US.

The President asked us to believe in ourselves, and when a person believes in himself or herself, they don’t sit around. They don’t wait for someone to do it for them. They take action.

Yes, government is going to try to fix the economy. But there’s only so much it can do, and the economy is affected by many factors, over which WE have ZERO control.

When I was writing “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, I was struck by how many people seemed to be in complete denial about their finances and who was responsible.

I could just tell that these people were living their lives on autopilot, not doing much to build their wealth, and in the back of their minds they were counting on a handout or a bailout if things ever got really tough.

If you are expecting the government to take care of you or bail you out, think again.

Considering that the U.S. - the “richest” nation on the planet — is in trillions of dollars of debt, why would we entrust ANY government with our financial future?

Today, we have SO many ways to take our destiny into our own hands.

The Internet especially gives you the freedom like never before to write your own ticket in life. The whole world is your audience and your market!

This is the time to build your net-worth & change lives daily by setting up your home-based bitcoin business.

Elijah Falode,

Tuesday 14 February 2017


Money matters, they say matter. I have met countless number of people over the years who claimed to be in search of jobs or greener pastures but have ended up in the rat race.The challenge is if you don't know where you are going, you will not know when you get there. If the rat race were the way to be wealthy, we would have few poor folks on earth. Many people labour endlessly and yet remain poor. What liberates is the knowledge of how to convert your labour to wealth and the understanding of what money is. In this post, I will be sharing on what money is.

So what is MONEY?
The starting point for anyone to be truly free financially is to have a clear understanding of money. This has remained a major missing link, and a lot of people mistake currency for money or the card and papers and wallets for money.

Money has been in existence before the ATMs, currencies came. If the ATM card is money, then just use the card to get anything you want. Currently, bitcoin remains the most valuable currency because of the technological solution it provides in curtailing recession. I will share explicitly on this in subsequent posts.


Whatever you possess that you can exchange for what you need is money and not necessarily paper currency or cards. Therefore, change your paradigm from thinking of how to get 'money' to how to use MONEY(your skills, energy, ability and innate potentialities to acquire money. When you get to this level, innovation and idea will flow.


Life rewards donations, not duration. There is a problem you were created to solve. Until you discover it, financial freedom remains a mirage. Nobody gets paid for identifying problems, but solving them. Become a problem solver today!

Manoj Arora in the book," From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom wrote, “Do not focus on money, instead focus on a problem that needs to be solved for the will follow you as a bi-product.”

Do you get that?

In the next post, I will share on three wealth creation engines, and how to take advantage of them.

Thank you for reading and kindly drop your comments.

Amb. Elijah Falode.

Thursday 9 February 2017


Network marketers are creating FORTUNES at Breakneck speed.

Network marketing is The Perfect Business for the average person to create wealth.
Author & Entrepreneur

Network Marketing: The industry for people who want to change their lives.

Network Marketing:
The best kept secret in the Business World.

" If you really want to learn how to be rich you must understand the POWER FOUND IN NETWORKS. The Richest people in the world Build Networks.            
Best Selling Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad Series

If I lost everything and had to start again, I would find myself a great Network Marketing company and get to work.
Globally Renowned Property Mogul and US President.

Network Marketing has created more millionaire's than any other industry.
Former United States President

Click here to see what US President and Robert Kiyosaki said on Network Marketing.


In this article, I will expound on the two philosophies that determines your financial future.

Fig.1 Cashflow Quadrant

Financial Security
Everybody wants to be secured. This is what informs the choices that we make. We all go to school, to get a good grade, and then get a good job. Then, there is this mindset of climbing the corporate ladder which leans on God's nowhere.

Are you employed?
Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad  said, "In the business world there are Es and E stands for employees. And the employees, you can always tell who they are by their core values. An employee with the president, the generator of the company, will always say the same words. The words are, "I'm looking for a safe, secure job with benefits." That's what makes them employees because their core value is security."

Are you self-employed?
The other group is the self-employed. These people are soloist. They operate by themselves. They are small business owners. Imagine, they work for themselves than they could have, if they have been employed.

Do you have an automated business?
Robert Kiyosaki's rich dad said, "the B stood for big business, or like Bill Gates. For Bs define big business as 500 employees or more. And their words are different.

For instance,
a poor man says,' I cannot afford it'.
a rich man says, ' How can I afford it?'
a poor man Passes over opportunities repeatedly
a rich man takes opportunities and they are not afraid of taking risk.

The B group will say, "I'm looking for good system, good network, and the smartest people I know to help run my business." Unlike the S, they don't want to run the company by themselves. They want smart people run the company for them."

Are you an investor?
And then, the fourth of the Cash Flow Quadrant is the I. And the I stands for the investor. These are people who have money work hard for them. These people in the B Quadrant have people work hard for them. And these people in the E & S Quadrant are the people who work hard for the rich here in the right side of the Cash Flow Quadrant, for the Bs and Is.

What then is Financial Freedom?

Fig.2. Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom is when you have money, and the time to enjoy it.
Financial Freedom is equal to TIME FREEDOM+TIME FREEDOM. The only groups that enjoy this are those in the B and I Quadrants.

So if you want to be rich, learn how to build businesses, be a business owner, and learn how to be an investor.

Back to the Cashflow Quadrant.
On the left side of the Cash Flow Quadrant, these people work for security, they work for money also.

On the right side of the Cash flow Quadrant the B and I people's key value, what they want is they want Freedom, financial liberty. They don't want to have to work in a job anymore. They don't want to have to work for the rest of their lives.

Robert Kiyosaki and other big business leaders recommends Network Marketing.
Robert Kiyosaki recommends Network Marketing as the gateway to financial freedom because it helps you to earn passive income.

"I'm often asked why I recommend multi level marketing, especially when I'm not in network marketing business myself.

I'm like many people, early on, I had a very negative or close-minded attitude toward network marketing system.
But I've changed my mind. I've opened up the way to think, and I looked into the network marketing industry.

And I found some things that are extremely beneficial, especially for those people who look for changes from E and S to B and I in the Cash Flow Quadrant.

Communications and sales skills are essential for somebody in the B Quadrant. And network marketing companies, not all of them but some of them, have excellent training program that will teach you how to sell, how to communicate, how to build businesses...
Many people would not go to the B Quadrant because they are afraid of rejection. Multi level marketing teaches you how to handle your own fears, fear of rejection, and build that self-confidence. That's essential for the B Quadrant."


Saturday 11 June 2016


‘I have more respect for the fellow with a single idea who gets there than for the fellow with a thousand ideas who does nothing.’
 -Thomas Edison
A little reflection on the above question will open us to insight on our capability. Someone once said that some are born great while some choose to be great. What actually makes the difference in life is the choices that we make. Anyone can choose to be successful. It is all a matter of choice.
However, a lot of people died for the lie but they always thought it was the truth. You may be little on the outside but you are not on the inside. You are loaded with potentials looking for expression. You are like a butterfly in a cocoon. The world has not really discovered what you are loaded with. You have sometimes been used and dumped by selfish folks. You might also have been physical, emotionally, and sexually abused. All these do not negate the fact that greatness is in you. You only need to make that choice to periscope into the future and see through the lens by which God sees you. Keep on the sunny side of life.

Thomas Edison is the world gold standard for invention and innovation. No one has ever duplicated the sheer volume and depth of his 1093 patents, virtually defining the standard of living we enjoy today. He invented both products and systems to support those products. His classic inventions were the phonograph, the electric light bulb and electric power industry, and motion pictures.
However, the beginning did not look promising. Edison grew up poor; was going deaf at an early age; had a horrible father; didn’t go to school (received training from his mother); and spent his entire life working in the lab. But something spectacular about Edison, his cognitive ideas were beyond intellectual reasoning. He had something distinct streaming at the deeper side of his thinking faculty. According to a magazine, ‘…because of him, the millennium will end in a wash of brilliant light rather than in torchlight darkness as it began.

Some are born to be great, to own, grow and lead. Some are born to be captains of industries; to be highly efficient staff but anyone can choose to be great irrespective of prevailing circumstances. Anyone can choose to leave the backseat and take the wheel; lead the train and be successful.

Greatness is earned never awarded!

Amb.Elijah Falode

Monday 20 April 2015


Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments, of impacts. A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.

A teacher in New York decided to honor each of her seniors in High School by telling them the difference each of them had made.

She called each student to the front of the class, one at a time. First, she told each of them how they had made a difference to her, and the class.

Then she presented each of them with a blue ribbon imprinted with gold letters, which read, “Who I am makes a difference.”

Afterwards, the teacher decided to do a class project, to see what kind of impact recognition would have on a community.
She gave each student three more ribbons, and instructed them to go out and spread this acknowledgement ceremony. Then they were to follow up on the results, see who honored whom, and report to the class in about a week.
One of the boys in the class went to a junior executive in a nearby company, and honored him for helping him with his career planning. He gave him a blue ribbon, and put it on his shirt.
Then he gave him two extra ribbons and said, “We’re doing a class project on recognition, and we’d like for you to go, find someone to honor, and give them a blue ribbon."

Later that day, the junior executive went in to see his boss, who had a reputation of  being kind of a grouchy fellow. He told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative genius.
The boss seemed very surprised. The Junior executive asked him if he would accept the gift of the blue ribbon, and give him permission to put it on him.
His boss said,” Well, sure.” The junior executive took one of the blue ribbons and placed it right on his boss’  jacket, above his heart.
And then he asked, offering him the last ribbon, “Would you take this extra ribbon, and pass it on by honoring somebody else? The teenager who gave me these is doing a school project, and we want to keep this ribbon ceremony going and see how it affects people". That night, the boss came home and sat down with his 14-year-old son. He said, “The most incredible thing happened to me today. I was in my office, and one of my employees came in and told me he admired me, and gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius. Imagine! He thinks I am a creative genius!" Then he puts a blue ribbon on me that says, “WHO I AM MAKES A DIFFERENCE.”
“He gave me  an extra ribbon and asked me to find somebody else to honor. As I was driving home tonight, I started thinking about who I would honor with this ribbon, and I thought about you. I want to honor you.”
“ My days are hectic and when I come home, I don’t pay a lot of attention to you. I yell at you for not getting good grades and for your messy bedroom. Somehow, tonight, I just wanted to sit here and, well, just let you know that you do make a difference to me.”
“Besides your mother, you are the most important person in my life. You’re a great kid, and I love you!”

The startled boy started to sob and sob, and he couldn’t stop crying. His whole body shook. He looked up at his father and said through tears, “Dad, earlier tonight I sat in my room and wrote a letter to you and Mom, explaining why I had took my life, and I asked you to forgive me. I was going to commit suicide tonight after you were asleep. I just didn’t think that you cared at all. The letter is upstairs. I don’t think I’ll need it after all.
His father walked upstairs and found a heartfelt letter full of anguish and pain.
The boss went back to work a changed man. He was no longer a grouch, but made sure to let all of his employees know that they made a difference.

The junior executive helped many other young people with career planning, one being the boss’ son, and never forgot to let them know they made a difference in his life.
Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments, of impacts. A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.

Activity: Share this message! Then, identify people whose life  make a difference. Send them a customized message, call them and acknowledge them for the impact they have made on your life.

Sample: ‘Life isn’t  a matter of milestones, but of moments, of impacts. A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. (put the name), I am one of those lives you have impacted. Who you are makes a difference.’